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Accounting & Finance  

Accounting & Finance Year 1

Accounting & Finance Year 2


The business environment

Explore issues outside of the business that may affect the business and its operations. Looking into economics, international dimensions, nature and competition.


Managing and using finance

This module covers key areas of accounting, as seen from a business perspective. It explains how accountancy can inform and guide management decisions.


Maximising resources to achieve business success

An organisation that fails to dedicate sufficient attention to its use of resources will prove to be unprofitable over time. By being observant and prudent, any organisation can achieve significant gains from the management of its resources.


Quantitative skills

On successful completion of this module, learners will have knowledge of numeric exercises and will understand their use within the context of the business.


Basic accounting

On completion of this module, learners will understand accounts and how they can be used to give insight into the health of the organisation.


Budgetary control

This module aims to explain methods of financial control using budgets. This includes development and implementation of departmental budgets, which are combined to form a master budget.


Financial performance

This module aims to demonstrate how financial performance can be assessed in organisations. This includes the use of financial statements, and accounting standards. It also examines ways for raising finance over different periods of time.


Financial ratios

This module aims to demonstrate the application and meaning of the commonly used financial ratio. This includes examining liquidity, solvency, gearing and profitability.


Financial statements

This module aims to describe the preparation and presentation of the three financial statements. This includes the accounting concepts used.


Further ratios

This module aims to demonstrate how to determine financial efficiency. This includes understanding debt repayment capacity and investment appraisal. Using this knowledge, learners will be able to assess the likely of future financial success.

The entrepreneurial manager

What is an entrepreneur? Examine the skills and qualities of entrepreneurship.


Organisation structures

Why are organisations structured in the way they are? What determines the optimum structure and how does it differ between organisations? In this module, learners will look at the numerous models and theories that make up organisational structure.



Practical accounting analysis

Learners will complete exercises in accounts throughout this module to understand what they are telling us and the actions that analysis can precipitate.



Business planning and goal setting

What is the business trying to achieve? What will it do? How will it do it? This module focuses on the creation of clear goals and clear plans to achieve a clear objective.


Politics and business

Impact of politics on business and how it may help or hinder business. This module will educate learners on economic impact, exports and government support.


Business law

Explore the statutory responsibilities of managers as learners look into the legalities of business and business executives.



Managing in today’s world

Business in the modern world. This module focuses on governance and equality as a means to do right in business.




Performance management

Understanding how your people and your business can continually improve together, learners will review reward structures, CPD, training and development to ensure high performance in business.


Marketing and sales planning

Learners will analyse how markets, customers, competitors and products can come together in a cohesive plan.



Quantitative skills

On successful completion of this module, learners will have knowledge of numeric exercises and will understand their use within the context of the business.


Business Management  

Business Management

Business Management Year 1

Developing personal skills

Develop a range of personal skills vital to the world of business. Concentrating on communication, leadership and decision making techniques.

Effective communication

Communication is the key to effective operations and working effectively with others. Throughout this module, learners will grasp a range of communication techniques used for a variety of commercial purposes.



The business environment

Explore issues outside of the business that may affect the business and its operations. Looking into economics, international dimensions, nature and competition.


The marketing mix

Exploring and using the marketing mix as part of the business planning process.



Strategic HRM

This module looks at employees and people as a business’ most valuable asset. Recruit the best, reward the best and retain the best.



Managing ethically

Explore the various theories and models of management and their different contexts.


Culture and the organisation

What is meant by culture? Why is it important? How does it differ between organisations?


Customers and customer service

This module looks at customers as the fulcrum of any business.


Fundamentals of accounting

On completion of this module, learners will understand accounts and how they can be used to give insight into the health of the organisation.


Financial management and control

In this module, learners will compare and contrast some examples of good and bad financial decision making and the impact on the business.

Business Management Year 2

The entrepreneurial manager

What is an entrepreneur? Examine the skills and qualities of entrepreneurship.


Organisation structures

Why are organisations structured in the way they are? What determines the optimum structure and how does it differ between organisations? In this module, learners will look at the numerous models and theories that make up organisational structure.


Practical accounting analysis

Learners will complete exercises in accounts throughout this module to understand what they are telling us and the actions that analysis can precipitate.


Business planning and goal setting

What is the business trying to achieve? What will it do? How will it do it? This module focuses on the creation of clear goals and clear plans to achieve a clear objective.


Politics and business

Impact of politics on business and how it may help or hinder business. This module will educate learners on economic impact, exports and government support.


Business law

Explore the statutory responsibilities of managers as learners look into the legalities of business and business executives.


Managing in today’s world

Business in the modern world. This module focuses on governance and equality as a means to do right in business.


Performance management

Understanding how your people and your business can continually improve together, learners will review reward structures, CPD, training and development to ensure high performance in business.


Marketing and sales planning

Learners will analyse how markets, customers, competitors and products can come together in a cohesive plan.


Quantitative skills

On successful completion of this module, learners will have knowledge of numeric exercises and will understand their use within the context of the business.


Computing & Digital Tech.

Computing & Digital Tech Year 1

Computer systems and software

This module will develop learners’ understanding of the integration of hardware and software components.

Computer programming

Learners will use different tools and techniques to design, implement and test programs, following the system life cycle.

Relational database systems

This unit will develop learners’ understanding of database systems and data analysis and modelling.

Software engineering

Leaners will gain an understanding of the need for Software Engineering and the different methods and techniques.

Systems analysis and design

This module provides an understanding of IS concepts and how they relate to organisation needs in respect of business processes and transformation of information.

E- Commerce applications

This module explores the role of e-commerce in the modern world and in particular the identification of aims and objectives within a business and the design issues arising from the definition of requirements.

Human computer interaction

This module will develop students understanding of principles and models of human computer interaction and evaluate existing HCI design and principles and use this to help them plan their own prototype multimedia user interface.

IT and society

This module examines the impact of technology on society and explores trends and changes created. It will examine management issues and potential conflicts in terms of security and data management.

Information systems project management

This module explores elements of project management key to successful development and implementation of specific IT projects.

Management information systems

This module focuses on understanding concepts of information systems and how they support business needs in terms of information processing and data processing.

Computing & Digital Tech Year 2

Innovative technologies in computing

This module looks at innovative trends and disruptive advances taking place and examines the new generation of skills and knowledge that will be required to work successfully in the sector.

Computing research methods

This module will explore the knowledge and skills required to undertake research in this field and the qualitative and quantitative approaches required including use of literature and design of research proposals.

Software development methodologies

This module looks at the role of systems engineering in development of software and various models of data, software and processes using modelling approaches.

Managing a computing project

Learners will find out about different project management tools and techniques that can be used when managing a computing project.

Strategic management information systems

This module is concerned with developing an understanding of the strategic role of MIS within the organisation and how it impacts on the broader objectives and strategy of the business.

Ethical, legal and professional issues in IT

This module explores current issues in the IT sector and how these may impact on areas of security, confidentiality, privacy and the law.

Network Design

This module explores the principles of networks and network design and implementation and support of network systems.

Web based development

This module will explore the design, deployment and management of virtualization and explore its commercial and potential impact.

Cyber security

This module will enable an understanding of the importance of digital security to business, to understand industry standards of digital security and be able to recommend improvements in security.

Database design and development

Learners will extend their understanding of database design and development. They will research database management systems and will design and implement a complex database


Sales & Digital Marketing

Sales & Digital Marketing Year 1

Sales & Digital Marketing Year 2

The business environment

What comes to mind when you think of the word ‘environment’? You probably think of surroundings, and the conditions and influences of the surroundings. Similarly, the business environment refers to an organization’s surroundings – its external surroundings, as well as its internal surroundings.


Customers and customer service

This module starts by looking at customers and how they make decisions about their purchases.What factors do they think about when buying a chocolate bar,vegetables, a book, a refrigerator or a house? How do businesses decide which company to use when buying a new computer system?Before you can start to market to people you must have some clear ideas about how they think, and understand the attributes and benefits that they are looking for.


Marketing mix

In marketing, a company is faced with two kinds of variables. First, there are the variables associated with the external environment; the environment surrounding the organization, made up of the macro-environment (the broad environment consisting of political, economic, socio-cultural,technological dimensions) and the micro-environment (the competitive structure of the industry in which the company operates). A company has no direct control of these external variables. The second set of variables contains operational variables; factors over which a company has full control.


Marketing and sales planning

Marketing and sales are fundamental to business,whatever the sector. In the private sector, it is accepted that marketing and sales planning is essential to achieve profitability and market success.In the public sector and in the charitable sector, the focus is not on profit making but on customer(or more broadly, stakeholder) satisfaction. Marketing is increasingly playing a key role in the non-profit sector to build awareness of issues and promote causes, taking the perspective of not just customers (recipients) but also donors.


IT in business

There is clear evidence that Information Technology provides competitive advantage, whatever the business sphere an organisation operates it.
To gain advantage, managers must know how IT can be used in internal and external processes to deliver better value to the end customer.


Managing and using marketing

This module will provide you with a comprehensive introduction to marketing. It is intended to be relevant to the management and operation of organisations in many different areas of the economy,including those which do not operate for profit.


Customers and their needs

The aim of modern marketing is to identify and then satisfy each customer’s needs and wants. This is often done by building relationships with customers and using these relationships to create a two-way communication between the two parties. The customer communicates his or her preferences,and the business communicates information about products that will satisfy the customer’s needs and wishes.


E-marketing communications

The success of the World Wide Web and the proliferation of the Internet and associated technologies have revolutionised the way organisations conduct their business. The most apparent change has been the support provided through technology to a number of traditional operations,such as sales, communications, customer services and marketing.


High performance sales

An organisation’s success depends on a number of factors including its operations, its marketing strategy, its human resource management and its sales. One of the most common criteria used for assessing the organisation’s success is sales growth. This is an indication that the organisation manages to maintain its existing customers but also attract interest followed by sales from new markets.


Marketing strategy

How then do organizations develop strategies in a complex marketing environment? How do they assess opportunities and threats? Which markets and segments do they target and why? Which market positions play to an organization’s strengths? What product portfolio should be maintained for long-term value? These are some of the questions we shall address.

The entrepreneurial manager

What is an Entrepreneur? Examine the skills and qualities of entrepreneurship.


Organisation structures

Why are organisations structured in the way they are? What determines the optimum structure and how does it differ between organisations? In this module, learners will look at the numerous models and theories that make up organisational structure.


Practical accounting analysis

Learners will complete exercises in accounts throughout this module to understand what they are telling us and the actions that analysis can precipitate.


Business planning and goal setting

What is the business trying to achieve? What will it do? How will it do it? This module focuses on the creation of clear goals and clear plans to achieve a clear objective.


Politics and business

Impact of politics on business and how it may help or hinder business. This module will educate learners on economic impact, exports and government support.


Business law

Explore the statutory responsibilities of managers as learners look into the legalities of business and business executives.


Managing in today’s world

Business in the modern world. This module focuses on governance and equality as a means to do right in business.


Performance management

Understanding how your people and your business can continually improve together, learners will review reward structures, CPD, training and development to ensure high performance in business.


Marketing and sales planning

Learners will analyse how markets, customers, competitors and products can come together in a cohesive plan.


Quantitative skills

On successful completion of this module, learners will have knowledge of numeric exercises and will understand their use within the context of the business.


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UK Register of Learning Providers:UKPRN  : 10091080.
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